The other tortellino...
€ 18,00
I remember the smell of “Sunday” capon broth and tortellini
€ 18,00
Ribbon-like pasta with Bologna-style meat sauce
€ 14,00
Flavourful and sweet ribbon-like egg pasta with “Zibello” culatello
€ 18,00
Tagliolini (a little mode broad hand-cut) with typical "Bolognese" snail in broad bean and porcini mushrooms
€ 20,00
Maltagliati with rabbit ragù and a small diced potatoes with rosemary
€ 18,00
Hand pressed macaroni with meat sauce made from hand cut giblets and unlaid eggs
€ 18,00
Tortelloni stuffed with "violina" pumpkin, with black cabbage and toasted almonds
€ 18,00
Menu updated on August 30th, 2024.
* We kindly ask any customer with food allergies or intollerances to notify our serving staff
Our preparations may contain ingredients not expressly indicated in the description of the dish.
For more information on the composition, ask our serving staff.
** In the event that a product can not be found fresh, we advise customers that some products may be frozen or come from freezing through a blast chiller.
These companies are under the auspices of the Slow Food organization which protects small, high quality producers, who use traditional methods of production.
This Restaurant is also a member of the project “Italian Chefs' Alliance and Slow Food”